Masaru Emoto (born July 22, 1943) is a Japanese author and entrepreneur, best known for his claims that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Emoto's hypothesis has evolved over the years of his research. Initially Emoto claimed that high-quality water forms beautiful and intricate crystals, while low-quality water has difficulty forming crystals. According to Emoto, an ice crystal of distilled water exhibits a basic hexagonal structure with no intricate branching. Emoto claims that positive changes to water crystals can be achieved through prayer, music, or by attaching written words to a container of water.
Through his observations of more than two thousand samples collected photographs of water crystals from around the world, Emoto discovered that molecules of water particles it can change depending on the surrounding human feelings, which indirectly suggests the influence of feelings on klasterisasi molecules of water formed by the bonding hydrogen.

Emoto also found that the crystal particles of the water looks to be "beautiful" and "awesome" when received positive reaction around it, for example, with joy and happiness. But the water looks crystal particles become "bad" and "eye catching" when get around the negative effects, such as sadness and disaster.

Emoto using sound and text media in exposing the crystalline form of water that has been frozen ..  
Here are some examples of research results.

Water Crystal when it is said words of love
Water Crystal when it is said words of sadness
Water Crystal before offering a prayer
Water Crystal after offering a prayer
Subhanallah…It is amazing, isn’t ?